Forecasting population density growth : SoalSekolahmu

What is the total population density of the province of West Java?

What is the total population density of the province of West Java from year to year? According to valid data, the population of West Java is still the largest in Indonesia . According to the latest census of 2020, it shows a significant increase of up to 6 million inhabitants. More precisely, the passage from 43.05 million inhabitants to 49.94 million inhabitants.

West Javais one of the provinces that existed during the Dutch colonial period. The province has been established with the central government since 1950. It has been established for a long time and has become a city full of extraordinary events. One of them was the sea of fire that caused a sensation throughout the archipelago and even in the world at that time.

It has a very luas area  of up to 35 thousand kilometers. It is clear that the area is capable of accommodating many people. Led by Ridwan Kamil, it is believed that Bandung will be more prosperous. Thus, the growth of society will be balanced with the equal distribution of well-being. Creating many new policies that benefit the people is the right answer.

Therefore, what is the total population density of the province of West Java. It won’t be too over because it’s at the center of government. DKI Jakarta is one of the areas with the highest density of people. This happens because the population increases with its narrow area.

Distribution of community density in the province of West Java

With luas nearly 36 thousand square kilometers. Data on the province of the West Java region are inhabited by a population of up to 46 million people. Spread over 26 districts and cities, 635 sub-districts and 5899 sub-districts. On the contrary, the most densely populated populations are located in the Bogor and Banjar regions.


What is the distribution of West Java inhabitants in the city of Bogor? Approximately up to 4.9 million inhabitants. Meanwhile, the city of Banjar is inhabited by only 192,903 people. Only 0.25 percent of it. so what about other cities? Such asi, depok, sukabumi, bandung and others?


For the density of society, the average is almost one million inhabitants. Only banjar, cirebon, sukabumi and cimahi are hundreds of thousands. Seeing this difference, of course, the density distribution is not evenly distributed. Uniquely, almost the entire area ofj abar is more men. An anomaly in Indonesia until recently.

Usually, the number of men and women is higher in women. We look at the Central and East java regions. Both must be more girls seen from many places. Even in Indonesia, there are more women than men. So, what are the factors that can cause it?


No one knows so far. About the population density of the province of West Java, why can there be more men? Everything happens in a natural without any arrangement. So we can see why many cases of homosexual parties in the region are really affected by this inequality.


For thosewho don’t know, Bogor is indeed a pivotal city for gays. A disease ofpeople of the same sex. Often have parties in hotels and even rented houses. It is a disease that must be eradicated so as not to spread more widely to the Indonesian people.


Popular jobs in West Java

What is the purpose of the population density of the province of West Java?  Many young people have already found a job and they do not. Work is an important thing to have in order to be able tolive an ahan life. Especially in the big cities of West Java that require to be independent. The large number of nomads is also one of the causes.

For the average percentage of the total population at the end of 2020. Nearly 11% of the total population. A number that does not deceive makes many people less prosperous. Coupled with the prolonged period of pandemic. Getting many large factories to go bankrupt or rationalize their spending.

One of them is to lay off many potential workers. So there is a lot  of unemployment everywhere. For the distribution of bogor city 14%, Sukabumi 9&, Cianjur 11%, Bandung 8.5%, Garut 8.9%, Tasikmalaya 7%, Ciamis 5.6%, Kuningan 11%, Majalengka 5%, Sumedang 8.8%, Indrayu 9.2%, and so on.

All , if totalized, will amount to 10%. So it’s a huge spread. Coupled with the age of the new workforce that has just graduated. If there is still a period of pandemic , it is possible that it will continue to grow. The large number of companies that have streamlined his work has become one of the main causes.

No wonder that the large number of unemployed, many nomads leave the region. Solo has become the main destination for many nomads in West Java. The city nicknamed the most comfortable city is indeed the case. The cost of living is cheap with a convenient location. Who does not feel at home living there.

So , what is the population density of the province of West Java after the large number of overseas processes of its population? Just wait for the next population census. Everything will be clearly seen on the large number of this population movement. According to the facts, many residents have also moved their homes to make it more comfortable.

Policy for the welfare of the population of the province of West Java

For the policies implemented to improve the well-being of West Java, of course, is the adoption of the little Bandung. Able to ensure that many MSMEs grow faster in the competition of the Asian market. It is clear that these developments will be implemented to relieve many of the unemployed. The starup system will also be intensified so that many creative businesses are full of ideas.

So it’s not just about being able to absorb a lot of work. But politics also encourages the existence of critical thinkers. The hope is that there will be no more questions about the total population density of the province of West Java. With the MSME system, large companies will emerge such as gojek, grab and so on.

It’s just to achieve the goal. Schools need to pay more attention in order to raise the seeds of the seeds of intelligent thinkers. If indeed the school is still not active. At the very least, offer programs to help talented students. By offering scholarships or training, it is hoped to be able to develop quickly.

For this reason, the regional expenditure budget is always taken into account. Paying attention to the population density of the province of West Java. It is hoped that each of these policies will be able to encourage the programme next year. This semacam programme  is indeed somewhat useless today. However, a few years later, it can certainly be more useful.

Forecasting population density growth

Continue to forecast population density growth. What is the total population density of the province of West Java in the coming years? Based on current data and facts. Its growth will increase drastis. A lot of holidays and wfh make many people have a deeper intensistas family.

Therefore, according to the facts, in a few years there will be developments of up to millions of new inhabitants. It’s not just birth and death. Perhaps there will be an influence on the movement of population. All this is a natural and certain fact. So, according to the science of prediction, of course, growth must be fast.

Even so, the province will always be ready to deal with all of this. Think about how social assistance is for people to have jobs. It is certainly still thought by Ridwan Kamil and his successors. Other major cities will also continue to create synergy to form a strong region of Indonesia.

How can we not be curious about how much the population is spreading in West Java? Indeed, it is still quite uncrowded but it can grow quickly in the future. But thanks to the solutive policy of Ridwan Kamil. If the population density of the province of West Java will always be safe for its residents.
