How to check Gojek’s own receipt : 7Saudara

How to check Gojek receipts specifically for Gosend services  easily

Checking Gojek receipts specifically for Gosend services  is very simple. With this convenience, it will not be difficult for the sender if he wants to know where the goods have arrived. This comfort is certainly not felt only by the attendant. The recipient may also feel comfort.  Gosend himself is one of the features of Gojek.

This is a form of development that gojek continues. This company has now become very large. His own age has been long enough. Gojek’s first founding was in 2010. Initially, this company provided transport services only in the form of motorcycle taxis or cars.

But the more you come here, the services you need for Indonesians will become more and more. A large number of service needs made the development until the discovery of Gosend. But when using it, there are many users who do not know how to check Gojek receipts specifically  for Gosend services. This certainly makes it more difficult.

How to check Gojek’s own receipt

Gosend is a function of sending goods from Gojek, which makes the sender not have to go directly to the recipient. It is enough to entrust the goods to the manager, and the manager will send it to the recipient. Since you are not involved in the delivery, it may be inconvenient to know the last location of the goods.

The sender is confused when calculating the estimated time of arrival of the goods. Therefore, it is very important to know how to check gojek receipts specifically for  Gosend services . Knowing this, the attendant feels calm. If you want to do tracking, there are several options for this.

The first option is to use the gojek application. This is the easiest way. When tracking using the application, you do not know in writing the latest location of the goods. However, the application will display the latest location of the item through the folder. This has its advantages.

When a location is displayed in the form of an address, some people often do not know the address. Therefore, the user first needs to search for the address. if the last location is given in the form of a folder, the user immediately imagines where the location is located.  Verification of Gojek receipts specifically  for Gosend services  can also be done through the call center.

To do this, customers can first contact the Gojek call center. from the call center, explain the request to find out the latest location. Later, THE CS will give some questions about validity. If the question is answered successfully, CS will announce the last location of the parcel sent.

The last way to check gojek receipts specifically  for  Gosend services is to use an online store application. Of course, this can be done only if the customer purchases products from the online store. Using the online shopping app is also quite simple as there is no need to see the receipts of these shipments.

Types of delivery when carrying Gosend

When using  a gosend, note that two types of sending can be used. To choose it, customers must first know the difference between the two delivery methods. The difference itself is quite large. Customers can see the difference in price and time.

As for the first type of delivery, it is called Gosend Express Delivery. This is the type of delivery of the most popular gojek.  For this type, Gojek receipt receipts designed specifically for Gosend services  are also mostly used  . When choosing this breed, the delivery of goods can not be carried out at a distance of more than 40 km.

From this distance, the maximum driving time of the driver is about 120 minutes. But this service is crowded only in major cities. It should be noted that Jabodetabek and Bandung are the cities where this service is most used. When using it, the maximum weight of the package. The maximum weight itself is 20 kg.

In addition, it is also necessary to take into account the maximum dimensions. The maximum dimensions of the goods in this shipment are 50 X 70 X 50. The price itself is quite inexpensive. The price per km is only 2,500 rupees. However, there is a minimum shipping cost. Users can not use instant delivery at a price of less than 20 thousand rupees.

The second type is called Gosend on the same day.   Checking Gojek receipts specifically  for gosend’s same-day services is not as much as instant delivery. This is because this service is only used for long-distance delivery. Travel time is also further away. Drivers can send packages on the same day for up to 8 hours.

This makes intercity shipping even faster. However, minimum tariffs must be set. The same day can be used only if the tariff is more than 150 thousand rupees. If it is calculated, the cost will be very simple. For 30 km, the transmitter will have to spend only 150 thousand rupees.

Pros of using Gosend  in shipping

The smooth verification of Gojek receipts specifically for Gosend’s services  makes one feel the advantages of this feature. The first advantage lies in speed. If the user uses the expedition service, the fastest parcel delivery is 1 day. This can also be done only for nearby places.

When using  gosend, the maximum time is only 8 hours. It is very profitable and helps if the delivery of goods is carried out in a hurry. Practicality is also seen in the use of this feature. This practicality is very pronounced, because the sender does not need to go to the service place.

Before you can check the gojek receipt specifically  for Gosend services, the driver takes the parcel to the house in advance. This makes other activities uninterrupted, but delivery of goods is still possible. Another advantage, which often goes unnoticed, lies in the delay. Some people often complain about the high cost of sending a gojek.

In fact, this statement is not true. When sending with Gojek, the driver sends the parcel using a motorcycle. The fuel emitted is definitely not as expensive as a car. This makes prices much cheaper. Different things are probably felt when using other expeditions.

Most of these expeditions deliver goods by car. Since the use of the car requires a large amount of gasoline, the shipping costs will certainly be very high.  Another plus of using Gosend is the safety of goods. When using it, it is ensured that the packaging is safe until it reaches its destination.

This is because the designated manager has undergone training and selection. With it, the reliability of the driver can be ensured. In addition, the name and contact of the driver are also clearly displayed. This allows customers to find out the driver who made the delivery. Even if there is a loss, Gojek offers insurance for each shipment.

Gojek has many useful functions

Few people know about the new features of the gojek. Although , in addition to Gosend , there are still many features that are very useful. One of the most important characteristics is called goauto. This is a feature of automotive services on the web. If your vehicle is damaged, this service will prevent you from leaving the house to repair it.

In addition, the goauto service also provides a car wash function. So the goauto laundry woman comes to the consumer’s home. There is also a function called gomassage. This is a feature of the speech of the masseuse. With the help of this feature, those who are in pain can bring the best masseuse into the house.

Gojek is a company that continues to grow. Although the name is already very big, changes will certainly occur in the coming years. But in addition to its main function as an online motorcycle taxi, the Gosend service  is  definitely one of the most popular. You, as a user, must be very satisfied with the service and how to check Gojek receipts specifically  for Gosend services  , which are simple.

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