Kredivo as a credit service provider with many advantages: KembarSouvenir

Official Kredivo Call Center that provides accurate information

Official institutions or companies will certainly provide customer service, such as kredivo call centers.   This institution is recommended for everyone who needs funds quickly and easily. You can apply for a loan only with the help of the application, and the process is not complicated.

Interestingly, this institution is registered with OJK, so it is guaranteed to be safe to pay various installments.   Moreover, it is very professional if you provide the best service to make you more confident. There are many other advantages  that need to be known compared to similar institutions before applying for a loan.

Especially from call center  services,  which are handled by experienced professional system administrators in their field. Get clear, accurate, fast and reliable information from a single official source. In this way you will feel the different benefits that are very interesting to know more.

Kredivo as a credit service provider , with many advantages

As a large institution already popular in the community, it is in great demand and  is used to this day.  Kredivo also provides call center  services to keep the information clear and centralized. It provides many benefits to find your own place in people’s hearts to help with their finances.

  1. List of loans without payslips

Sometimes self-employed and freelancers find it difficult to take out a loan because they do not have a payslip. If you are one of them, then you do not need to worry, because you can sign up for the loan without using a payslip. The  amount of income earned per month  affects how much credit limit you receive.

  1. The cheapest and lowest interest rate

Kredivo has proven to be the cheapest or lowest loan rate compared to other institutions. This is very profitable, because repayments become easy, despite the fact that loans are large amounts. Ask in detail what the loan rate is by contacting the kredivo call center  via a telephone link or official email.

  1. The fastest disbursement process

Many people are fed up with the countless marketing strategies that are all about getting the fastest borrowing. All you have to do is use this service, which is guaranteed  to be able to disburse quickly and easily. This is the advantage that many people may be interested in because they do not waste their time caring for those who leave without feeling complicated .

Differences between Kredivo official branches and fake accounts

Of course, using Kredivo services, you need to know everything, including officially owned accounts. The goal is not to be subject to fraud, since there are a large number of people on behalf of Kredivo by providing loan offers. Although the goal is to seek profit and deceive, it is, of course, very harmful to Kredivo and its loyal customers.

  1. Verify your account

Before using the Kredivo call center service, make sure that the account has been verified or not.   All accounts belonging to this institution must be ticked off or verified as proof of official accounts. If you get a message from your Kredivo account that you haven’t verified the blue one, ignore it because the source is ambiguous.

  1. Content is always up to date

Based on the content presented, you can see the original account version or not, because it is constantly updated. The content is constantly updated in one day from 1 to 3x in a clear, easy to understand and neat order. If the fake account can be viewed from the display quality, it will be randomly generated and will update a lot of content.

  1. Difference in down payment

Please note that Kredivo never asks for a down payment when looking for any loan. If you receive a loan offer on behalf of kredivo and request a down payment, check the information. First, ask a Kredivo call center so that you don’t find scams, let alone search in the app.

  1. Loan offers

The original account never offered to lend in person using social media through the DM. So if you are offered the release through social media, it’s easier not to believe it without looking for more detailed information.

Kredivo-owned official call center details

Sometimes the number of fake accounts using the name Kredivo is worrying because it leads to fraud. Such accounts are usually a solution for people who want to take out a loan from social media right away. Therefore, it is important to know the official Kredivo call center , to get clear and reliable information.

Kredivo’s customer service or administration has never had an account service on any social media. So if other institutions are supposed to be the best customer service possible, don’t trust them.  You can officially contact customer service at 080 – 715 – 733 – 58.

You can  also  call the Kredivo call center by sending an email to address  and make sure you don’t get the right address. You will get a good answer, so you can be sure that you will get an immediate response. Clearly describe what information, complaints or complaints you want to submit and wait for a response.

Kredivo’s various  official-owned  social media include Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, which are  echoed by the administration.

  1. Website:, &
  2. Facebook :
  3. Twitter :
  4. Instagram :

Apart from  the  email address and call center  officially described above,  there is nothing else. Through customer service, you can get information about loans or other things. Make the question clear so that it is easy to understand and you will find the answer according to the question.

Benefits of contacting Kredivo customer service directly

It is very important to know the  different benefits of using Kredivo call center services directly  . Especially for those who want to use installment rental services in cash or online. Among the many advantages, there are 3 main network, if you decide to contact the official CS, instead of looking for information from other sources.

  1. Make sure the information is real or hoop

You can assure yourself whether the information you receive is true or just a hoop of scams from irresponsible individuals. For example, you can receive a toll number notification when you receive a loan payment from Kredivo. Therefore , contact CS immediately to make sure it is really from Kredivo or a fraud number.

  1. Achieving clarity on loans

Using Kredivo services to borrow money, you should get the most clear information possible. Through cs services, you can dig up information about loans in detail from official sources. So that you can make decisions that are related to loans in a more confident and sure way, due to the clarity of the credit information received.

  1. Minimizing the risk of fraud

Another advantage of contacting the official CS directly is that you can minimize the risk of fraud  . This is a simple step that will help you avoid fraud and losses of large amounts. It is not necessary to wait long, since the CS immediately responds to the necessary information and helps to protect the client.

Official institutions like Kredivo provide deliberate customer service for easy information. Considering that there are currently many scams by offering attractive offers on behalf of Kredivo, this is certainly very worrying. Contact the official call center of kredivo to find various benefits that are profitable and minimize the risk of fraud.

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